Lambing season 

Embrace the Lambing Season

The sun is rising, painting the sky in hues of gold. It’s lambing time on our farm, and the air is filled with joy and excitement!

As I walk through the fields, I witness the miracle of life unfolding before my eyes. The gentle bleating of newborn lambs fills my heart with warmth and happiness. These furry bundles of joy are a reminder of the beauty and resilience of nature.

Every day, our dedicated family of farmers work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of our flock. Our commitment and love is truly inspiring, reminding us that there is no greater reward than witnessing life’s precious moments.

Lambing season is a time of growth and renewal, not just for us but for our furry friends too. It is a time when we witness the strength and bond between mothers and their lambs. The devotion and care they show is a reminder to cherish and protect the ones we love, both human and animal alike.

So, let us celebrate this extraordinary season together. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of life, the innocence of newborn lambs, and the hard work and passion of our farmers.

If you have the opportunity, visit a farm near you and experience the magic of lambing season firsthand. Share your heartwarming encounters, spread the love, and inspire others to embrace the beauty of life’s simplest moments.

#EmbraceLambingSeason #FarmLife #Nature’sMiracle #Inspiration #SpreadLove

It is very important that a newborn lamb gets colostrum from the ewe’s milk within a few hours of being born. Colostrum is a lot thicker than milk and contains antibodies that helps to protect the lamb from infections and disease, and it gives the first bit of energy for the lambs life.

The majority of our ewes will quietly lamb with no problems. There is always a few who may need a helping hand and its very important to know when you should assist.

Pet Lambs

If a ewe rejects her lamb or doesn’t have sufficient milk, then the lamb will died, an adopted ewe can be used if she has lost her own lamb, but not all ewes will adopt. the lamb will then become a pet lamb and need bottle feeding every 4 hours.