Meet some of the animals
Meet the Team
Dexter Cattle
Donna and Dora
The Tups
Billy Beltex, Lenny Lleyn, Charlie and chase Chevoit, Simon Suffolk and Toby Texel
Angel and Daisy
The Dogs
The working sheepdogs Max, Jessy,, Blue, Jock and the house dog Brandy
The Donkey and Sheep
Doris the Donkey and Happy and Sheep, Happy thinks she’s a dog and will happily walk around on a leader going for walks.
Flemish Rabbits and Guineas
Peter Rabbit with his mate Pig
Now horses are just a hobby when i have time, but its lovely to ride around the stock on an evening checking everything is ok.
Pedigree Blue Faced Leicester Sheep
2023 was the first year we decided to show our sheep and we were very excited with the results
very well known for being crazy!
More horses
Connie and her super pony Paddy with Oliver and I having our evening hack.
Percy, Pepper and Babe
Old Spot Gloucestershire Pigs
Goat walking with vanilla
our beautiful well trained (most the time) Goats love to go on a walk around the fields
The young limousine heifer calf