Meet some of the animals

Meet the Team

  • Dexter Cattle

    Donna and Dora

  • The Tups

    The Tups

    Billy Beltex, Lenny Lleyn, Charlie and chase Chevoit, Simon Suffolk and Toby Texel

  • Goats

    Angel and Daisy

  • The Dogs

    The working sheepdogs Max, Jessy,, Blue, Jock and the house dog Brandy

  • The Donkey and Sheep

    Doris the Donkey and Happy and Sheep, Happy thinks she’s a dog and will happily walk around on a leader going for walks.

  • Flemish Rabbits and Guineas

    Peter Rabbit with his mate Pig

  • Horses

    Now horses are just a hobby when i have time, but its lovely to ride around the stock on an evening checking everything is ok.

  • Pedigree Blue Faced Leicester Sheep

    2023 was the first year we decided to show our sheep and we were very excited with the results

  • Cheviots

    very well known for being crazy!

  • More horses

    Connie and her super pony Paddy with Oliver and I having our evening hack.

  • Percy, Pepper and Babe

    Old Spot Gloucestershire Pigs

  • Goat walking with vanilla

    our beautiful well trained (most the time) Goats love to go on a walk around the fields

  • Daisy

    The young limousine heifer calf