
Jemma and John Clark

Of the public engagement category….

The public engagement category celebrates those farmers increasing the wider understanding of farming and nature, in an era when many people can feel disconnected from nature, and from farming and food production. The winners of the public engagement award, for their incredible start and sheer volume of public engagement in just a few months, are Jemma and John Clark of Bowlees Farm, Newbiggin-in-Teesdale.

Winners of public engagement

We have been at Bowlees Farm for just over a year and have done an impressive amount of work in that time. Funding through the Tees-Swale programme helped us to convert an old milking parlour into an on-farm classroom. This work was completed earlier this year (2023). Already it is providing a venue for school visits, groups and the wider public. Exceeding the 25 school groups that the Countryside Stewardship scheme will fund, I have taken an additional seven groups. I am also providing regular opportunities for children in care to spend time on the farm, and to work with young offenders. Using my skills I developed as a behaviour tutor, I am connecting young people with nature and with high value farming on an increasing scale, as well as public engagement through events like Open Farm Sunday. The engagement work is integral to our farm business as we also continue to enhance the biodiversity on the farm.

“The judges were impressed by the amount that the Clarks have achieved in just over a year. The classroom only went in earlier this year, yet the volume of visits and people supported is truly impressive. The energy and drive were palpable so it’s deserving of its win at this early stage of its development. It looks set to go from strength to strength.”